money and finance names its top 25 advertising icons of all time sitting next to iconic campaign characters such as the maytag repairman, wrigley’s doublemint gum twins, and the marlboro man is the kmart joe boxer man…
Search Results for: kmart
press: joe boxer for kmart featured in adweek
adweek names kmarts joe boxer advertisement as one of the best spots. under the art direction of ucef hanjani, kmart’s “vaughn” spot was featured in adweek. wearing only underwear, vaughn lowery garnered some serious publicity with his chippendales act. still, his joie de vivre rubs off…
tv/films: joe boxer dancer tv commercial
under the art direction of ucef hanjani, this memorable joe boxer commercial for kmart was named one of adweek’s best spots. featuring actor vaughn lowery, the idea was that his happiness and dance moves come from the sheer joy of the joe boxer line being carried at kmart. view all work related to this project.
press: joe boxer featured on’s feature article on the joe boxer for kmart commercial featuring dancing vaughn lowery that was art directed by ucef hanjani…