the kastel e-commerce website designed and developed by ceft and company. the landing page consists of six visual categories to help navigate the site. (mouse-over reveals text for each category) they consist of :
1- featured product link,
2- the kastel story link,
3- breathable technology (icon) and products link,
4- water repellent technology (icon) and product link,
5- product collection link
6- social media feed
a unique icon was created for the “water repellent” category.
a unique icon was created for the “breathable” category.
the story behind the brand’s relaunch as showcased on all devices.
the final images where sourced from client archives, created for the site, as well purchased via license, then they were optimized and colorized to allow a unified and “branded” look
scroll down view
the collection page as showcased on all devices.
visual elements of the brands nordic lifestyle are added throughout the site to help reinforce their story.
a template was created for how the product would be shot and guides as to how the product should be positioned in the square display area to insure uniformity…
each product image is accompanied by a corresponding technology icon and a color coded flag to represent; new, sale, or featured products.
product info and details page below.
the product is scaled up and presented on a clean background highlighting their unique details. scroll down reveals product images while keeping info on top left and the navigation stationary.
multiple view points of product give a clear picture of the design and help navigate the consumer’s eye on their selection.
if shopping online isn’t your thing, an interactive map was designed to help you find the right pair of shoes, at one of their world-wide retailers.
“drop us a line, or tell us your kastel story…”
contact page below as showcased on all devices.
details matter: not too early nor too late. respectful marketing…
above the newsletter sign up, only appears after the user has had time to familiarize themselves with the brand and the website. not upon landing nor before the user has had the chance to make an informed decision. see the rest of our collaborations. view all work for kastel. you can also view the live site in its current state, which may or may not have been altered by the client here.