a rather different approach to web-design in this overly tech-ed-out world… full circle dismissal of the evolution of animated technology with ASA north architects. landing page / an academic list: a straight forward list of projects and links are laid-out in the simplest of manners, in an unconventional old-style baskerville serif font.
the client: a harvard graduate and published architect, ASA north founder’s career began with international architectural firms, the like of herzog and de meuron (jacques herzog, pierre de meuron) and OMA (rem koolhaas). with over a decade of experience behind them, it was a multi-million dollar private residence project that spearheaded ASA north’s humble beginnings.
after discussing the clients wishes and better understanding their philosophy, together we landed on what we call “the low-tech approach to technology”. a website that rejected the popular notions of the day.
clicking on links activates several pop-up windows, project visuals, related text, drawings etc. each of the pop-up windows can be moved and rearranged by the user and be closed individually, or collectively by clicking on appropriate tabs…
as a fun ploy, and a nod to the low-tech nature of the website, we worked out a little trick to play on the unassuming visitors…
after 90 seconds of inactivity, the screen crawls up with a simulation of an old MSDOS code loading in.
this will surely draw some intentional attention and possible panic… the user can close the window or click on the yellow “abort mission” button to go back to the website. while not everyone will stay on long enough to experience this. it’s a whimsical notion that was welcomed by the company and the agency.
you can see the identity design for ASA north in the following link. view all work for asa north.