the art folio consisting of specially ordered paper with rubberized coating and blind embossing with fabric spine and metal aglet, custom eyelet and cord closure. the art folio, unlike a typical booklet would open to reveal twelve 23″ x 16″ limited prints of french art photographer denis darzacq.
insert detail of the front folio.
the back of the folio had the words “be free” blind embossed into the paper.
specially coated velvet touch paper interior kept the prints in place while creating easy access.
the twelve prints inside consisted of the visuals custom created for nike by denis darzacq with production and creative supervision of ceft and company.
custom ipad cases in double thick felt were designed and manufactured by ceft and company.
custom labels reflecting the idea and the efforts were designed created by ceft and company.
custom 8G black USB key with the words “be free” and nike logo contained information and resources from the effort.
the collateral kits for nike free included an array of items, all fitting nicely in a custom made leather tote bag, as shown above. view all work related to this project.