nike art collaboration with photographer ryan mcginley and icelandic artist shoppy a.k.a. hrafnhildur arnardottir during new york fashion week.
poster image by artists/photographer: ryan mcginley
this was one of ryan mcginley’s first commercial projects prior to w magazine editorials and levis campaigns.
icelandic artist shoppy a.k.a. hrafnhildur arnardottir created elaborate, bold yet feminine work for nike women’s line. the poster accompanied booklets and other collateral pieces created for the editors and guests. (a little fun trivia on shoppy, she uses that name because somebody once misheard her name as “shoplifter”.)
the minimal black-on-black event invite was created and produced by ceft and company.
the nike limited edition posters and press kits were packaged in a simple japanese
folded sheet.
a simple nike lookbook, featuring the products while tying them back to the artwork and artist collaborations for the metro event.
a microsite was designed and produced by ceft and company and setup for the press to download not only live images from the event, but also the visual and content needed for proper press results.