logo mark and logo type how do you add a friendly face to FDA approved healthcare related line? ceft and company formulated a complete identity for the “scent for good” luxury healthcare product line. color palette primary and secondary type styles application of the brand colors to the logo mark and logo type “care… you […]
fragrance identity development
product/package design: drakkar noir packaging design
the original package for drakkar noir fragrances by guy laroche. ceft and company’s updated design for drakkar noir via l’oreal’s luxury division. the cap from the original bottle was replaced with an integrated atomizer creating a streamline uni-body form. however the original and iconic drakkar noir bottle remained an asset, and in the process of redesigning this, it […]
logo/identity: charlie logo and identity development
as part of a broader re-branding effort for revlon’s historic brand, charlie, ceft and company created an updated version of the brand iconic logo and identity. view all work related to this project.