“creative agency ceft and company, in partnership with nike, created this beautiful 1950s-inspired etiquette book for athletes going to london 2012. the book features models like yuri pleskun and hannah holman, photographed by max farago. the “etiquette” in question isn’t about not being the stereotypical boorish american, but about athlete-type things like how to knot your laces or roll the sleeves of a blazer. there’s a glossary that shows you nike’s latest innovations and how athletes can use them. check out more pictures on the right.”
model hannah holman
press: nike london 2012 olympics etiquette book featured on psfk
“the olympic medal ceremony provides the ultimate stage for winning athletes to be celebrated for achievement in their respective sports….or so says nike in its latest piece of olympics marketing, a slightly tongue-in-cheek style guide for american athletes, which provides tips on how to wear the iconic brand’s apparel during appearances on the medal stand or while on the scene in the olympic village. the hardbound volume, developed in partnership with creative agency ceft and company, is a throwback to earlier handbooks that doled out fashion advice alongside proper etiquette and conduct. the book’s chapters feature line illustrations accompanied by slightly over the top prose, as well as…