nike uses a special reflective material in their olympic line which is extremely difficult to reproduce in photographs and in print. due to ceft and company’s close working relationship with its partners the team worked extensively prior to the shoot with the photographer, crafting the lighting technique. furthermore tests and discussions were conducted with their […]
nike book
print: nike white label lookbook with terry richardson
this series was the first set of nike sponsored shoots with photographer terry richardson. the effort was targeted especially towards opinion leaders within the US; those who appreciate innovative designs that first and foremost are functional, but also happen to be stylish and chic. the focus was to create visuals that were appropriate for the […]
collateral: nike speed photo shoot and book design
ceft and company created and barnaby roper photographed this booklet to hand out to key press contacts and influential stylists in the united states. the lookbook was art directed and produced by ceft and company, with photographs by barnaby roper which were shot in new york under the creative direction of ucef hanjani. view all work […]