ceft and company’s award winning social media campaign for NARS also included a custom fangate on facebook that encouraged users to “like” the NARS facebook page in order to get inside. once there, a custom app allowed users to see the “live feed” of top candidates from the NARS “makeup your mind, express yourself” contest. the contestants sat […]
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press: net-a-porter beauty event as featured in fashion bomb daily
“beauty isn’t really my bag, though i’m starting to dip my toe in it because it’s fun, attainable, and let’s be honest: who doesn’t like to shine? i was invited to net-a-porter’s beauty anniversary yesterday, and in addition to taking snazzy pix like the one below, i was able to find out about a few fabulous products that i’ll have try out soon. i don’t do nearly enough beauty posts, but i might just get it started! these fun pictures are the brainchild of ucef hanjani of ceft and company. he basically created a room where the chair and bags were on the ceiling. we walked in and posed. then the camera flipped us upside down. cool, right?”