white house black market releases the third episode of the “workkit” series, directed by ellen von unwerth and created by ceft and company. model coco rocha charms us once again in “the heart of workwear”, showing off a new set of moves while dancing the day away between her preoccupied coworkers. the spot bookends the […]
ellen von unwerth director
BTS: whbm the heart of workwear behind the scenes images featuring ellen von unwerth and coco rocha
rehearsal with choreographer john byrne, director ellen von unwerth, WHBM’s sandra ranke and ceft and company’s creative director ucef hanjani carolina pimenta from ceft and company even choreographers have to eat. model coco rocha, choreographer john byrne and purdie baumann make-up artist lisa houghton with ucef hanjani stylist sarah ellison molly mcmullin, coco rocha and […]