logo design and identity for “flow architech”, a new york based company with a focus on architecture and technology. the minimal logo and identity were featured in the japanese design publication, pie books. titled work in progress, the book entry showcased the work process behind each creation. view all work related to this project.
flow identity
identity/naming: Flow
flow naming and identity by ceft and company new york. view all work related to this project.
press: flow identity development and design featured in pie books
tokyo, japan: pie books publishes the work in progress and final results of the flow architec logo and identity design created by ceft and company new york. the book, aptly titled “work in progress: graphics for visual presentation” focuses on inspirational designs from across the world and gives us a glimpse at the inner workings of design and conception. pie books is credited with numerous award winning design books showcasing the international design community and features some of the industry’s elite. ceft and company engaged in logo design and identity for “flow architech”, a new york based company with a focus on architecture and technology. ceft and company designed collateral…