master the elements: the nike running collection FW – above: women’s shield flash max jacket. still frame from nike’s “master the elements” film created and produced by ceft and company new york. men’s shield max jacket. women’s flash tight. women’s rain runner jacket. women’s rain runner jacket / women’s shield tight / women’s free […]
nike advertising agency new york
events: nike soccer event in new york city
nike footbal event designed and built by ceft and company new york “…the world of football, one pitch at a time. those touched by the sport know what elevates them from the rest. it is the passion they bring to the pitch or street each day from manchester to buenos aires, from soweto to brooklyn, […]
collateral: nike brazil featuring loro piana cashmere capsule collection
when you open the kit, the first card introduces where the cashmere pieces were inspired from and the evolution of knits from 1958 to today. the exterior of the kit is perforated, giving the package a nice texture and feel prior to opening. specialty papers and processes where used in the production of the collateral. […]