here is ceft and company’s latest installment for nike, in collaboration with photography duo, santiago and mauricio sierra and styled by tom van dorpe. the team’s creation was a visual platform delivering nike’s women’s spring/summer 2013 line. the result is an animated digital booklet where the images magically come […]
nike lookbook
print: nike white label lookbook with martien mulder
six spreads from the lookbook designed and produced by ceft and company for nike. photographer martien mulder was chosen for the 3 day shoot, while kenji toma was selected to shoot the still visuals. the line included nike’s exclusive white label and skateboard lines which are targeted to a more chic and forward international audience. […]
collateral: nike metro featuring the works of ryan mcginley and hrafnhildur arnardottir
nike art collaboration with photographer ryan mcginley and icelandic artist shoppy a.k.a. hrafnhildur arnardottir during new york fashion week. poster image by artists/photographer: ryan mcginley this was one of ryan mcginley’s first commercial projects prior to w magazine editorials and levis campaigns. icelandic artist shoppy a.k.a. hrafnhildur arnardottir created elaborate, bold yet feminine work for […]
mobile app: nike supernatural women iPad app development
the digital book for nike functioned as an animated turn-page booklet with social media features. the HTML4 version of the campaign could be viewed on iOS devices. the full-screen feature placed the image front-and-center with functionality appearing as a hidden bar at the base. the ipad version utilizes images and film clips from […]
collateral: nike speed photo shoot and book design
ceft and company created and barnaby roper photographed this booklet to hand out to key press contacts and influential stylists in the united states. the lookbook was art directed and produced by ceft and company, with photographs by barnaby roper which were shot in new york under the creative direction of ucef hanjani. view all work […]